By the Grace of G-d
Dear Friend,
Get out your dancing shoes. Sing with gusto and joy.
This Shabbat is a JOYOUS one. Every Shabbat is joyous. This Shabbat doubly so.
This Shabbat is called ‘Shabbat Shira’, the Shabbat of SONG.
This week’s Parsha relates how Moshe led the Jewish men in song after the miraculous redemption from Egypt.
Miriam, Moshe’s sister led the women in song and dance utilizing the instruments that the optimistic Jewish women had saved for their eventual redemption.
It was seven days after their initial exodus from Egypt. They were still not fully liberated. As they were being pursued by Pharaoh and the Egyptians and were in danger of being recaptured. The sea was in front of them, the Egyptian pursuers behind them. They were stuck.
When it looked like things were not going to end well, G-d miraculously split the sea for the Jewish people. The entire nation of Israel, numbering several million souls at the time, crossed the sea, walking along a perfectly dry seabed. The heavily armed Egyptian commandos were hot in pursuit. When the last of the Israelites stepped out of the sea, the sea came roaring back and drowned every single one of the predatory bloodthirsty Egyptians pursuers.
What had looked like sure disaster had turned into complete freedom.
Now, once the Jewish people knew that their captors had been wiped out, they were able to give complete thanks to G-d for having redeemed them. The joy and gratitude that welled up in their hearts was expressed via joyous singing of praise to G-d.
I missed out one small detail about this story.
Small but majorly consequential.
Let me call it the story of the ‘Nachshon leap/jump’.
Here is the background.
When the Jewish people were terrified, with the Egyptians behind them and the sea in front of them, they received an instruction from G-d.
The problem was that the sea was in front of them.
Nobody knew what to do. How could they go forward if the sea was there?
For Nachshon, the leader of the tribe of Yehuda, there was no question. The sea could not and did not create an obstacle in fulfilling the Divine instruction of ‘travel forward’.
Nachshon entered the sea.
It seems that he didn’t just wade, stride or even march into the sea.
Our Sages described his entry into the seas with the word ‘kafatz’. This translates as ‘jumped/leaped’ into the sea. Moving steadily forward until the water was at his nostrils.
At this point, something had to yield. Either Nachshon had to stop advancing, or the sea had to retreat.
Nachshon didn’t plan on stopping. G-d had clearly said TRAVEL FORWARD. His single-minded agenda was to carry out the will of Hashem.
What happened in the end?
Nachshon didn’t stop. He was so focused on reaching the ultimate destination as G-d had instructed, that he was literally unstoppable.
Moshe prayed for salvation. Hashem said, ‘raise your stick, and stretch out your hand over the sea and split it’.
The sea yielded. G-d split the sea and kept it split for as long as needed for the entire nation with their livestock and belongings to cross the sea.
What an inspiring, uplifting story!
This is a story we need to be constantly mindful of. We recall the miracles of the splitting of the sea daily as we recite this song called ‘Az Yashir’ every single day in our prayers.
We all enjoy hearing the ‘they lived happily ever after’ part of the saga.
It’s important not to overlook the ‘small detail’ of the ‘Nachshon leap’.
By the way, talking about small details, do you think you may the winner of yesterday’s twenty-million-dollar Powerball lottery?
Oh, you didn’t even hear about it.
Sorry, that means you did not win. How do I know?
Simply, there is no chance to win a lottery without buying a ticket.
Buying a ticket may not seem like such a big deal to you. It doesn’t cost much or require much effort.
It does however provide the needed ‘buy-in’ in order to be eligible to win. Without it, you are not even eligible to win.
(In the ‘olden days’, when traveling on airplanes was a common occurrence, I would have said it a bit differently.
‘If you don’t go to the airport, you certainly won’t get on the flight that you are waitlisted for’.)
Back to the miracle of the splitting of the sea. The sea didn’t just split out of nowhere. Someone did a courageous act before G-d split the sea. That act was not an inconsequential or coincidental detail.
Nachshon’s leap precipitated the major miracle of the splitting of the sea.
Because it symbolizes the ‘leap of faith’ that that Hashem awaits from us. The putting aside of fears, even purely rational ones, in favor of doing what is right in the eyes of Hashem.
But one second, you ask. Nachshon had G-d’s instruction to TRAVEL FORWARD. He knew where that FORWARD was. The destination was Mount Sinai, to get the Torah.
In applying this lesson to our lives, how are we to know what our destination should be?
Simple. Just as in the original story. The destination is ‘Sinai’, the word of G-d as given in the Torah at the mountain of Sinai.
Mt. Sinai and the giving of the Torah was the destination in Nachshon’s times. In todays time as well. The eternity of G-d’s Torah means that in 2021 the destination of a Jew is still Sinai.
Most of the time we know deep down in our hearts what G-d wants us to do. To help others and be less selfish. To put forth more effort in studying Torah and doing Mitzvahs.
But there seems to be a ‘sea’ of obstruction in our ‘travel forward’ trail.
When one truly makes and effort to do all that they can in their ‘forward march’ to their ‘Sinai destination’, reaching deep into themselves, leaving their comfort zones in quest of G-d’, unanticipated and previously unimaginable results may appear.
So what are we waiting for?
Taking the Nachshon leap of faith is not so easy.
The fear of moving forward is crippling. Sometimes its fear of rejection. For others it is fear of failure. Even without being an official life coach or therapist, I have encountered myriads of excuses for not moving forward in the direction that you know you should.
Not easy at all. That is why its called a leap. Jumping means having both feet off the earth at the same time. Daunting and a bit scary. To put aside your fears and follow G-d fearlessly.
Not easy. But liberating.
The only way to vanquish your inner and outer foes, is to take the Nachshon leap!
The result will no doubt be a joyous ‘songful’ one.
The upcoming ‘Shabbat of Song’ is to be enjoyed and celebrated.
Celebrate what?
We celebrate all the blessings Hashem has given us. Starting from the fact that we are liberated and emancipated people. If not for these miracles we may still have been a ‘slave nation’ without our freedoms and without our aspirations.
Let me suggest a special ‘exercise’ for this Shabbat Shira.
Thank Hashem for at three things in your life that you are pleased and thankful about. Do it verbally. If you are with others, say it out loud. If you are on your own, say it with your lips, annunciate it.
‘I would like to thank Hashem for a) b) and c)…..’
We pray to Hashem for many ‘happy endings’ so that we continue to have reasons to rejoice and sing.
But we shouldn’t wait till everything works out in a blessed way to begin our singing.
We ought to sing in advance.
In anticipation of the ‘happy endings’.
Joy is powerful tool. Besides for being a vehicle for showing our gratitude to G-d for past blessings, it also powers us up with the G-dly energy needed to take a ‘Nachshon leap’ in the otherwise stonewalled areas of our lives. The ‘Nachshon Jump’ is the way we do our little bit, to invite G-d’s incommensurate blessings into our lives.
May G-d bless our world with the ‘happy ending’ that takes care of all problems, the COMING OF MASHIACH, AMEN!!!
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Yosef Kantor
PS See the below picture of the building of the new Campus for Jewish Life in Thailand. Could this be called a Nachshon leap of sorts? Please G-d once the building is completed, we will have a big SONG of gratitude to the Almighty. But in order to achieve the final vision, we must start singing now as well, for only through joy, will we invite the needed miraculous energy to build this magnificent center for Jewish life.