Dear Friend,
Do you know the secret ingredient in Coca Cola?
Is there a secret ingredient?
When I was growing up, in the ‘pre-google’ era, it was commonly assumed that there was a secret recipe.
Now in our information age, it seems that there may not be a secret ingredient. All the ingredients are known.
Why then is it so difficult or nearly impossible to duplicate the original ‘Coke’ brand of the ubiquitous cola drink?
Ah, like any chef or baker will tell you. Because it’s not enough to know what ingredients are in the food or drink. You need to know how much of this and how much of that and exactly how to mix it and at what temperatures to treat it.
It’s the exact quantities and blending procedures that transform the ‘secret’ ingredients into the Coke we are familiar with.
It's Purim, why am I discussing Coke? I should be talking about wine. Even more importantly let's talk about MIRACLES. This is the reason we celebrate Purim. We are celebrating the MIRACLE of Purim.
We are familiar with two types of miracles.
One type of miracles are otherworldly miracles. Those that are so supernatural that the laws of nature bend and even dissipate in their presence.
The other types of miracle operate behind the facade of the rules of nature.
What ingredients does it take to make miracles?
It depends what kind of miracle we are talking about.
A miracle like the Ten Plagues that befell Egypt or the splitting of the sea just after the Israelites left Egypt or nutritious Manna falling daily from heaven? That kind of miracle requires a supernatural G-dly force. To shower Egypt with plagues, to turn the sea into dry land or to rain down daily ‘bread from heaven’ miraculous otherworldly energy is needed.
Lets call it ‘Secret ingredients’. Miracle energy. Stuff that we don’t have available in our natural ‘arsenal’. It requires an procuring of pure G-dly supernatural energy.
What does it take to perform a more ‘natural’ miracle like the Purim miracle?
Lets go through the lead players in the cast of the Purim miracle and see.
An erratic king who kills his wife in a drunken egomaniac rage. Achashverosh.
A Jewish Queen. Esther.
A Jewish lobbyist who has access to the palace. Daniel.
A crazed Jew-hater who tries to instigate a pogrom. Haman.
A conversation of two insurrectionists plotting to kill the king. The chatter was overheard by the advisor on Jewish affairs to the Persian kingdom. Mordechai.
A sleepless night in Achashverosh’s bedroom when he has the chronicles read before him and Mordechai’s favor is found to be unrewarded.
A plea by Esther to the king to save her and her Jewish people that she has now revealed she is a part of.
Acquiescence by Achashverosh to kill the archenemy Haman and let the Jews self-defend on the appointed day of the mass pogrom against them.
A total victory by the Jewish people who arm themselves and fight for their lives.
In short. They wanted to kill us. We won. Let’s eat.
This story didn’t really require any ‘supernatural’ ingredients that we don’t recognize from daily life. All of the ingredients of the Purim story are readily available in every generation. There is nothing intrinsically miraculous about the players and intrigues of the Purim story.
But when we read the Megilah and hear the entire decade of unfolding events in a form of ‘time-lapse’, bundled together neatly in a twenty- minute documentary, we see the wondrousness. What makes it a miracle is the impeccability and immaculateness of the timing. How every detail came into being at exactly the right time and space with the right intensity.
The miracles are the fact that everything came together to overturn the pogrom just in the nick of time and allow the Jews that ability to self-defend. And that G-d blessed the Jews with success in their military efforts.
The exact proportions and timings of all these events create a miracle of EPIC PROPORTION which is why we celebrate in the most EPIC WAY POSSIBLE.
There is no other celebration during the year when we are told to party with such abandon.
We got our lives back. We were literally looking at death in the face. In a miraculous turnabout we got our lives back. And our stability.
This what we celebrate.
What kind of miracle is bigger in your opinion?
I would love to hear what you think.
Is the greater miracle the one that blow the laws of nature away and disregard laws of gravity and physics, like the splitting of the sea?
Or is the miracle that hijacks the natural events and gets all the laws of nature to coordinate immaculately, the greater one. Like the story of Purim.
Both kinds of miracles are impressive.
We celebrate them both. Pesach and Purim are celebrations of two different kinds of miracles.
Each one expresses G-d’s Providence and presence in the world in a different way.
On Passover we celebrate the miracles that blew the laws of nature away and proved without doubt that G-d is in charge.
This is why we are instructed to remember the going out of Egypt twice daily. It’s a reality check to remind us that G-d is the creator and director of the world.
On Purim we celebrate the natural order being obedient and compliant with G-d’s plans. The Purim miracle was a complete makeover and takeover of nature. Without quashing the usual world order. Without dissolving the dependability of the laws governing nature.
Purim is a day when we highlight the fact that G-d has the ability to camouflage His presence in garments of natural rules. When the all-natural ingredients perform seamlessly and miraculously it’s a powerful reminder that its G-d who runs everything. In the mundane and ordinary is Him with all His grandeur and might.
Purim is a day when we masquerade.
When you pull off the mask you see the truth.
(One of my earliest childhood memories is the guest who came to my parents Purim party in our Bondi Beach apartment in Sydney Australia. He was dressed like a gorilla. To get to the dining room you had to pass the door to my bedroom. Peering out of my cot, I saw the gorilla walk down the hall and I started screaming inconsolably. It didn’t help when the guest took of his headpiece. I had seen a gorilla. The memory is still firmly entrenched).
The Purim miracle allows us to reframe our perception of the forces of nature that seem to independently operate the world.
It shows how it is really G-d behind it all.
He has His hands firmly on the steering wheel of this universe.
There nothing to fear when He is in control.
I recently heard this story from the property developer himself. For a long time he had tried to sell a hotel that he owned. The bank was pressuring. He had no choice. He finally found a buyer and the price was right. He sold his hotel/resort on Friday, three days before Covid shut down Thailand on the following Monday. The transfer in the land department was done minutes before the offices closed. No one new that Covid was about to hit in full force. By Monday, Thailand had decided to shut down. Overnight, the resort was not sellable without taking a major loss. But the sale had already been made and the cashiers cheques exchanged. What a major miracle! Mind you, nothing ‘supernatural’ happened. But the G-dly directed timing was impeccable. It literally made the difference for the developer between riches and ruins. (I think the buyer belongs to a larger conglomerate and can weather the downturn till things come back).
My dear friends, I don’t know about you, but for me it has been quite a different year.
It can seem overwhelming at times.
Purim this year is more meaningful and inspiringly relevant than ever before!
Purim reminds us, G-d is in charge. Even if he doesn’t choose to show us overt miracles that defy the laws of nature, like splitting the sea. His presence is there in every atom. He directs every microbe.
It is His guiding hand that provides the inspiration and medical research and breakthroughs to have allowed such rapid development of the vaccines.
Please G-d there are also cures for Covid already in the pipelines.
So many miracles that take place constantly are not even known to us. Maybe they will never be known to us.
It is up to us to look beyond the masks!
The gorilla mask is scary.
Life is scary.
Under the scariness, once you peel off the exterior, you perceive the ever-present guiding hand of G-d.
Feeling the presence of G-d is calming, reassuring and serene.
Happy Purim
Rabbi Yosef Kantor