
uncover hidden strength

Friday, 25 June, 2021 - 5:06 am

By the Grace of G-d

Dear Friend,

Two weeks ago, I was invited to address the ‘groundbreaking ceremony’ for the new Beth Rivka Teachers seminary in Crown Heights.

I looked around at the crowd and I saw a dedicated group of activists and philanthropists that were determined to bring this dream building to fruition notwithstanding the difficult path ahead of them.

The following story that I heard as a child came to mind.

My great grandfather R’ Moshe Zalman Feiglin, emigrated from Israel to Australia in 1912.  R’ Moshe Zalman was originally from Russia, from a Lubavitch family. He and his family were pioneers in the building of religious Jewish life in Australia. R’ Moshe Zalman was in his early eighties when he traveled with his son Dovid from Australia to New York to visit the Lubavitcher Rebbe in 1956.

During their visit with the Rebbe, the Rebbe asked them to establish a Jewish girl’s school in Melbourne. They responded that this seemed to be beyond their capabilities. They were barely managing to support the fledgling boys Yeshiva that they had founded. How could they possibly establish a girls school on top of that.

The Rebbe insisted that opening a girls school was a crucial initiative and that he too would be a partner with them and assist them.

Regarding their reluctance to take on this new project the Rebbe told them ‘This is why I am entrusting this mission to you. if it were easy, others would be able to do it too’.

In other words, the Rebbe was empowering my great grandfather and his son to rise to the occasion and try his best. The blessings would follow.

The rest is history. The Beth Rivka girls school of Melbourne was indeed established and became a highly successful educational institution, educating generations of girls in the traditions of Torah and Judaism.

New undertakings can be daunting. Oftentimes they seem overwhelming.

It is at moments like this that this above story come to mind.

Whenever I think of this story it gives me a lift. It makes me feel empowered to meet the challenge of growing and expanding with enthusiasm and optimistic faith.

I share it with you. For no doubt you too face moments when your mission seems overwhelming. Its at times like that you should remember the Rebbe’s words. ‘If it was easy, you wouldn’t be needed, anyone could have done it’.

The fact that a challenging undertaking has been place upon you is not in order that you should beat a hasty retreat. It is because you are uniquely positioned and equipped to succeed in the task notwithstanding the seemingly unscalable hurdles.

When viewed from this perspective, fences and roadblocks are not to be viewed as obstacles placed in our way in order to stop us. Rather their true purpose is to cause us to dig deeper into the reservoirs of our souls and successfully climb over them.

This is a reframing of the concept of challenge that positions difficulty as a positive thing.

The thing that seemed to be a negative may actually turn into being a hidden positive.

Just like in this week’s parsha when Bilaam wanted to curse the entire Jewish people and cause their eradication from the world G-d forbid.

G-d did not allow it. As much as Bilaam tried to curse the Jews, miraculously, only blessings came out of his mouth.

It thus turns out that the more curses he tried to give, the more blessings we ended up receiving.

May the Almighty turn all ‘curses to blessings’ and rid the world of war, illness and negativity ushering in the era of the coming of Mashiach.

Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Yosef Kantor

PS One of the most difficult topics to talk about is death and the planning of one’s eternal Jewish rest by being buried in a Jewish cemetery. People seem to shy away from looking this in the face.

However, the reality is that death is inevitable until Mashiach comes.

And Jewish burial grounds is a must of every Jewish community.

Our current Jewish burial grounds on Charoen Krung road are almost full. We have been blessed to find new land in Chachoengsao. After much effort by dedicated community members, we have finally received the needed permits to establish the cemetery.

After putting a deposit on the land, it is now time to conclude the purchase.

The transfer needs to be done before months end.


This is a once in a lifetime kind of project.

The clock is ticking and not much time remains… If you would like to participate in the mitzvah, please visit:

If you need bank info for transfer please contact me.

Thanks very much and may we merit to live healthy and inspired lives and most importantly may we be blessed with Mashiach coming imminently.

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