By the Grace of G-d
Dear Friend,
While I have physically landed back in Thailand safely thank G-d, it will take me time to ‘land’ emotionally.
The stimuli that I imbibed over the last few days was overwhelming in the most powerful way.
Empowering moments. Euphorically uplifting ones. As well as tragic and sorrowful realities.
Standing with thousands of my colleagues in prayer and recommitment at the Ohel of the Rebbe was empowering. As was standing for a half hour in the New York autumn cold as the photographer took the ‘class’ photo singing ‘marching’ melodies about marching forth to spread light.
Uplifting moments like learning about my deaf colleague who overcame all odds and now heads the Chabad center for the deaf in Israel.
Watch "The Deaf Rabbi Who is Changing the World."
Euphoric moments of joy as we danced spontaneously with passion and elation over the great gift of being Shluchim of the Rebbe to spread the light of Torah throughout the world.
Gather strength and positive energy from the dancing here
And a somber reality check about the challenges facing the Jewish people during our current era.
The annual conference is always a powerful source of light, yet this year it stood out starkly against the backdrop of tragedy.
The tragedy of the brutal and senseless murder of our colleague R’ Tzvi Kogan in the UAE.
Click to watch the tribute to Rabbi Tzvi Kogan from the conference
Amidst the general state of war, loss and suffering that has been thrust upon our people in Israel since October 7th last year.
And the overall state of anti-semitism and security concerns for Jewish people the world over highlighted by the killing of R’ Kogan.
In a pragmatic way, sessions by professionals on how to upgrade personal and communal security were provided so that we can do what is needed during these daunting times.
On the spiritual side, the message of the Rebbe about reacting to tragedy and darkness by adding more light was front and center of the conference.
There was a very powerful balance. Even while acknowledging the great challenges of our times, not for a moment did the unwavering commitment of the thousands of Shluchim falter. On the contrary. The burning desire to bring this madness of our exile to an end by bringing Mashiach was intensified. Our accelerated actions of goodness and kindness are the steps needed to usher peace into the world.
In a most vivid way Brian Levine, a urologist shared how this call to reach out to fellow Jews to add in Torah and Mitzvahs can be carried out by each and every Jew wherever they may be.
Click to watch Brian Levine's stoty and message as shared at the conference
I did not plan to travel through Israel on my way home from the Shluchim conference in New York.
When I heard the tragic news that my cousin’s son Zamir Burke fell in battle in Gaza I felt my heartstrings directing me to pay a visit to my cousin and his parents, my aunt and uncle.
My cousin Zamir HYD
I didn’t realize just how much it would impact me and open my eyes to the specialness and uniqueness of Hashem’s Am Yisrael. ‘Mi K’amcha Yisrael’.
As it is close to Shabbat here in Bangkok, I will share more about yesterday's visit to Israel next week please G-d.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Yosef Kantor
At shiva yesterday in Bet Shemesh with my Aunt and Uncle (right and left of me) visiting my cousin who is sitting shiva for the loss of his son Zamir HYD.
Head of intelligence for Thai Royal Police visited the Phuket Chabad House for a security briefing